Saturday, November 8, 2014

I hate math class

I do not like math. Unfortunately, it's one of the "basic classes" that's required for just about every college major, even ones that involve barely any math. My current major, graphic design, is one of those, because it's an art major. But my mom asked me if I was going to re-take math in the spring semester, so I looked at the recommended course sheet for the graphic design major and it did say "mathematics elective". Since I thought I wouldn't have to deal with math again, I'm now re-thinking my class choices for spring.

I've struggled with math during much of my life, although I have had some bright moments, especially in middle school and parts of high school. When I first enrolled in college last year, just before I graduated from high school, I went to a meeting to sign up for classes, and since my major at the time was undecided I initially signed up for just English and a pre-algebra class, since English and math are the two most important classes for college students. My choice for math was actually based on a pre-enrollment test I took at my high school with classmates. After a couple of months I decided on a business major and added macroeconomics and introduction to business to my schedule. Then I replaced business with human geography so I could have Tuesdays and Thursdays off from school.

My math for the first semester was actually two separate classes that were half a semester long, meaning our final for the first class was at the same time as midterms in other classes. I started the first class okay, but then started to struggle and also forgot to take the midterm (we had to go take it on our own time). As a result, I automatically failed the first class, which meant I would have to take it again during the second half of the semester. I was able to enroll in an evening session of the first class so I could still take the second class at the same time, but the evening class ended up being canceled due to low enrollment and I had to drop the second class as well. I was then unwilling to re-take math in the spring and fall semesters this year, and it looks like I'll have to give in and take it along with my next art class in next year's spring semester. After all, I probably will have to use math for something if I have a career in some art field.

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