Thursday, November 27, 2014

A good Thanksgiving

Today I celebrated Thanksgiving with family and friends. We partook in the usual turkey dinner, Macy's Day Parade, that National Dog Show thing after the parade and a little football. There was a twist to our Thanksgiving this year because there was snow on the ground. I don't ever remember seeing a white Thanksgiving firsthand before. Luckily the roads weren't bad at all. I guess one thing I have to be thankful for is that I got from my mom's to my dad's house yesterday safely despite the snow. There are a bunch of other things I can't think of off the top of my head.

Our dinner, besides the turkey, consisted of mashed potatoes, stuffing, broccoli, corn, mashed butternut squash, cranberry sauce and rolls, plus cheesecake and pumpkin pie for dessert. We also had a variety of appetizers out beforehand. Like always, I took some pictures to mark the occasion.

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