Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I am so lazy

Since I'm in that college art class, I should be concentrating on my assignments and notes for class instead of goofing off. But I just have to procrastinate and wait until the day before it's due to work on them. I have four hours of class once a week, which gives me plenty of time to spread out my work throughout the week and do it a little at a time. That way, it really looks like my best work. Instead, I mess around on my laptop and iPod Touch until I realize my assignment is due in a couple of days. This week I had two journal entries to post online, but I waited until today to do all of the reading (36 pages total, but some pictures) and then write about the important parts of the reading and any questions I had. Luckily, I did a lot of my Photoshop project that's due tomorrow in class last week, so I could take my time finishing that up on my laptop. I suppose I could have done better on it, but it was my very first time using Photoshop. I finished it on Paint.NET because I don't have Photoshop on my laptop. But if I could start my online notes in class too, that would be great with my laziness.

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