Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The "Arizona Coyotes"?

I was looking on the National Hockey League's website today to find out when the regular season starts and the first few games are tomorrow, although my Washington Capitals don't play until Thursday. But one thing that caught my eye is that the Coyotes, a team in Phoenix, Arizona, were referred to as "Arizona" rather than "Phoenix". I wondered if they had changed their name so I looked it up and sure enough, they are now the Arizona Coyotes. The name change became official in June, after the playoffs ended, but I missed the news on it.

The Coyotes had been known as the Phoenix Coyotes since 1996, when they moved to Phoenix from the Canadian city of Winnipeg, Manitoba. It seems like they want to be like other sports teams in the area, who are named after the state rather than the city. The only major league team that still has "Phoenix" in their name is the NBA's Phoenix Suns. The NFL's Arizona Cardinals came to the city from Saint Louis, Missouri in 1988 as the Phoenix Cardinals, and changed their name in 1994. Baseball's Arizona Diamonbacks have always used that name since the team's establishment in 1998.

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