Wednesday, October 22, 2014

It feels like autumn

The Northern Hemisphere is one month into the season of autumn and it is truly in full swing here in Maryland. A couple of weeks ago there were a few remnants of summer left. Now we're in classic fall mode with leaves changing color and falling, days getting shorter, temperatures no higher than 55 degrees and Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff along with "fall-flavored" foods and drinks like pumpkin spice in stores. Some people say that autumn is that slow downward spiral from the joy of summer to the bitter cold of winter, and that is pretty much true. But it's also a season in its own right with things that make it special, like the aforementioned Halloween and Thanksgiving and colorful leaves.

It should be noted that at this time last year, some major stores were already selling Christmas stuff (I even saw one store start in late September), and this year I've noticed that the Halloween stuff is already starting to go away and get replaced by Thanksgiving items, despite there still being just over a week before Halloween. Or maybe everyone just decided to get their Halloween stuff early so they didn't miss out on anything good. But I don't think that takes away from the charm of autumn.

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