Friday, August 29, 2014

I keep ripping holes in my socks

A number of years ago, I started wearing socks around the house instead of going barefoot. I also got a habit of not changing my socks and wearing them for days on end. That's why a lot of my socks have holes in them. I've gotten new socks only to eventually rip holes in them. It sometimes gets annoying because I end up with only a handful of socks without holes in them. I've even resorted to wearing them the other way, with the hole at the top and the "good" part on the bottom. Today my mom was checking out my weekly room cleaning and she was going through my sock drawer. She made me let her get rid of a bunch of socks that had huge holes in them. I hadn't worn those ones in a couple of years so there was no point in me keeping them. Maybe I need to start wearing shoes all of the time too, or just change my socks every day, especially since they get dirty from me walking around in them.

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