Thursday, December 18, 2014

No snow for the rest of December?

Back on Thanksgiving eve, the east coast had its first winter storm of the season and first in eight months. Since it was even earlier than last year's maiden snowstorm on December 8, I thought we were in for another long winter. But since then our only other snow has been less than an inch last week, and it melted quickly. There was some snow in the forecast around December 22, and even briefly on Christmas morning, but now they're calling for just a chance of rain on Monday and Wednesday (Christmas Eve). There are currently no predictions for snow here between Christmas and New Year's. We had multiple snowstorms last December but didn't get our worst ones of the season until January and February. So maybe we're just having a slower start to our winter this year. But frankly, I'd like to see a couple more real snowstorms, because it's not winter without one, although I also don't want a repeat of last winter.

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