Friday, December 5, 2014

My fall semester went by fast

In my fall semester of my sophomore year of college, I have taken an art class, which was "Fundamentals of 2-D Design." We have done a variety of art projects like drawings, paintings and collages, as well as some notes and paragraphs. I only had it once a week for four hours, and I think that's the reason it feels like the semester flew by. My first class was back on September 4, and our very first assignment was a line variation worksheet where we had to use just four lines for each example. I've had a really fun time learning new things about both traditional and digital art. I even used a Mac computer for the first time and also learned and used Photoshop. Next semester one of the classes I'm taking is a digital media class, which I'm looking forward to since I like uploading stuff onto DeviantArt from Paint and Paint.NET, which I could use some work on.

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