Friday, December 12, 2014

Birthday and Christmas baking

I helped my mom with some baking today (on top of some other chores, making for a busy afternoon/early evening). My mom was making a chocolate birthday cake for her guy friend's birthday tomorrow (Saturday). We're going to have a little party and eat shrimp (which we do for almost every birthday and holiday) and a bunch of other junk.

While my mom was making the cake behind my back, she was also helping me make pumpkin loaves. I believe I used the same or almost the same recipe that is used for pumpkin roll, one of my favorite desserts ever, because of the cream cheese filling. In fact, this is what I thought we were making at first, but then my mom put the batter into six small loaf pans to make quick bread-type things. But I still got my annual pumpkin roll a couple of weeks ago during Thanksgiving week at my dad's house.

Along with the pumpkin loaves and birthday cake, my mom and I also made a homemade pizza, which I am covering in a separate post because it was a process in itself.

Pumpkin loves on cooling rack
The unfrosted chocolate cake
this stuff is awesome lol

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