Tuesday, December 9, 2014

More proof my laptop and Sony Vegas hate me

My laptop has seriously been annoying me for the past few months, and the broken keyboard is the latest thing. Now Sony Vegas has been crashing my laptop while I'm trying to render videos. I've had this issue before but usually it fixes itself after I restart my laptop. But I guess this time was a little different.

I was making a NASCAR video for my second channel with several video clips and it was 21 minutes long. I knew it would take a few hours to render, especially in HD. But I was not expecting my laptop to crash mid-render. When that happened, I decided to try a lower resolution, but that time it crashed my laptop a little further into the rendering. Then I resolved to split the video into two parts and place the second half into another project window. The first half rendered in 1080p high definition with no problems. But when the second half was rendering my laptop crashed again, so I had to split that part in half too. Finally, I was able to render those two project files without issue. I then combined all three parts in Windows Movie Maker and uploaded it to YouTube.

I'm pretty sure most of the issues on my laptop are my fault for screwing around so much. The funny thing is, this latest set of problems weren't present before I broke my laptop's keyboard while trying to fix two non-functional keys, causing me to break out an old desktop keyboard which I am typing this on. I had to do some disk checks and two startup repairs right after that happened but now I at least have a functional keyboard. But I don't think a broken keyboard is supposed to cause a video editor to crash your laptop. Who knows what's really going on, though?

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