Thursday, December 25, 2014

An excellent Christmas

Today was my 20th Christmas and I have yet to be disappointed by any one of them. I always feel the holiday magic and today I certainly spent the day well. I woke up at my dad's house, ate pancakes and opened some presents. My favorite ones were a wildlife blanket with some sort of bear on it, an old Manhattan map and a plasma light. I also got candy in my stocking and a couple of trinkets. Then it was on to my mom's house and my mom had planned to drag me and my two brothers to church so that's what we did. It had been a while since I went there and in the meantime they had done some renovations. I was moved by a Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer poem that one of the church people said, but otherwise I was apathetic about the service.When we left we were driving through a nearby  neighborhood and a couple of houses had huge blow-up ornaments. One of them even had Dora, SpongeBob and Yo Gabba Gabba and I had to laugh.

When we got home our mom made us get firewood so we could have a fire in the fireplace. Then we got to open more presents, a couple from our mom and some that we got for each other. Soon, we broke out some snacks and Christmas music.

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