Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer is going by too fast

I can describe the summer of 2014 in two words: hot and fast. We've had temperatures as high as 90 degrees and it's been really humid for most of the summer. This in turn has been leading to a lot of thunderstorms, which I have talked about in a couple of my other posts. Also, it seems like every years the summer just flies by, and that is especially true this year. For the first time probably in my life, I'm not going anywhere on vacation, because my family and I have other things going on. But I don't really care about that. What I'm not looking forward to is when autumn comes and it starts getting colder, and then when it becomes winter and starts snowing. I prefer a hot and stormy summer like we're having right now to a cold and snowy winter like we had a few months ago (it was actually already spring by the time our last snow of the season came). But in less than two months, summer will be gone, and I have no choice but to accept that.

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