Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Six years on YouTube

This month marks the sixth anniversary of my YouTube channel. I discovered YouTube in early 2006, but I did not create my account until July 1, 2008. I uploaded my first video on July 24, 2008. So that is why I am making this post in between those two dates. I was largely ignored for a few years, but for the past couple of years (since early 2012 or so) I've been noticed by quite a few people who share the same interests as I do. I have also gotten into a habit of uploading hundreds of videos per year, and now I can't even keep track of my video quantity anymore. The bottom line is that I take YouTube more seriously now than I did in about the 2008-2011 period. I still enjoy it despite all of this Google+ stuff and all of the tweaks they've made to the channels and the video uploader and comments system and all of those things. In fact, I think I could use YouTube forever.

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