Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer started today

Spring has now given way to summer. The summer solstice occurred at 6:51 AM U.S. Eastern time, or 10:51 Universal Time. People have been saying "it's summer now" since around Memorial Day weekend, but for for nearly a month afterward it was still astronomically spring. Meteorological summer, which is based on weather patterns rather than the alignment of the Earth and the sun, began back on June 1.

I don't think I'm doing anything of note this summer. I finished my spring semester of college in the middle of May, just before my 19th birthday, and since then the only productive things I've done are going to work at a grocery store (same one I started at in September) and some errands. Also it's been really hot lately and my mom is saving energy by keeping the air conditioning off almost all of the time. That's why she got me a fan for my room and the fan works great. We've also had some rain in the last couple of days as well which has made it less humid.

So it looks like it's going to be like that until Labor Day or somewhere around there. I think I can survive the summer even though it won't be that exciting for me.

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