Surprise, surprise - YouTube introduced a new feature earlier this week. This one is a feature called the Creator Studio, which places things like channel analytics, the video manager, channel settings and your latest video uploads into a single screen. YouTube also removed the username display on the sticky navigation bar at the top, and users no longer have access to their channel by clicking on their channel icon at the top of the screen; they now have to go to the Creator Studio. But users can now click on their icon to go to their Google+ page or YouTube channel and change their icon.
In addition, the settings menu, which once had a link to the video manager, was moved to the new dropdown box from which the Creator Studio can be accessed, as are the complete list of the user's channels, if they have more than one as a result of the Google+ integration with YouTube back in November.
I could go on about YouTube introducing another new feature, and shaking up the layout of their website, which they seem to like doing on about a monthly basis now. But right now I have a NASCAR race to watch on TV and I'm not going to miss it. So bye for now!
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