Thursday, September 11, 2014

Busy couple of days

I've been working non-stop on lots of stuff today, and I was really busy yesterday as well. Yesterday I had to finish an assignment for my college class that I had all week to do (my class is every Thursday for four hours) but kept putting off. I was also compiling, editing and rendering videos for both of my YouTube channels, but my laptop crashed 68 percent through the rendering of a video I was making in Sony Vegas. Since it was 11 minutes long and it takes more than two hours to render a video of that length in HD, and because I had to get up early for school, I decided to try again this afternoon after school and succeeded this time.

Also after my class today, I had to do a couple of errands and when I got home, I finished that Vegas video and then started on my next homework assignment. Then I recorded my next video for my main YouTube channel, and also uploaded my latest batch of pictures to my laptop, which I then put on Flickr. I also took a couple of pictures specifically for Twitter and Instagram. Hopefully tomorrow I can catch a break and have more time to just relax and do nothing.

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