Sunday, April 20, 2014


Today was Easter and we did the usual things to celebrate it. After being at a ski resort in western New York for Easter last year I was back at home this year.

My candy basket had Walgreens jelly beans in it. rofl.  
 I took this picture of our ham before my mom glazed it so when it was done cooking it looked a lot better than this.

 My mom made "cracker candy" with matzo, which we had five boxes of from the grocery store she and I work at.
 A couple of days earlier we made sugar cookies in Easter shapes with bright colored sugar crystal sprinkles.
This is a pineapple pound-type cake that was already half-eaten when I took this picture. Also I guess it doesn't look very appetizing but I thought it was except it could have used a bit more pineapple.

So that is my Easter in pictures. I hope everyone else enjoyed Easter today.

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