Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Severe weather season is starting up

This week has seen the first major severe weather outbreak in the United States, which is still ongoing this evening. It has produced deadly tornadoes in the midwest and southeast, with the hardest-hit states including Kansas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and other states around the middle of the country.

Saturday afternoon and evening brought a small round of severe weather to Virginia and North Carolina, which went largely unnoticed despite featuring an EF3-rated tornado. On Sunday, the National Weather Service determined a high risk of severe weather in much of Arkansas. There were multiple destructive tornadoes there, as well as in parts of Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri. By Monday, the severe weather system was over the southeast and bringing more tornadoes to states like Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Today, there has been some tornadic activity in western Florida and again in North Carolina.

After a slow start to the season, this is a very significant severe weather event due to the many tornadoes it has produced and the large area of the country affected.

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