Wednesday, April 2, 2014


So it's April now and I'll use this post to talk about some various stuff.

It's been raining a lot here lately and we even had sleet on Sunday and there was a bit of snow near me. Also there was flooding in some areas because it rained so much. But it was sunny on Monday and yesterday, but today so far has been cloudy with a bit of rain. And the temperatures are finally starting to get warmer.

I'm still wasting a lot of my time playing iPod games (mostly racing) and randomly browsing the Internet. I need to stop doing that because I have an online college class that I have to do work for every week so I need to spend more time on that!

My car just had more repairs done to it and I just got it back this morning. I think I've learned my lesson to be careful while driving now!

So those are some things that have happened since my last post.

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