Saturday, November 30, 2013

I had a great Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving here in the United States was Thursday, the 28th. I ate a lot of food which I helped prepare. We ate a turkey with honey teriyaki marinade. It was very delicious. My mom's boyfriend fried it in peanut oil so it smelled like french fries from the burger joint Five Guys. I had a couple of my friends over. It was my first Thanksgiving without one of my triplet brothers, who's attending a computer college in Utah right now. I think he just ate some ramen noodles on Thursday because my dad told me that he said he ate ramen literally every day. I think the only think I'm really thankful for is that I'm in college now. I was really getting tired of high school at the beginning of this calendar year. Now we're going into December and we get to celebrate Christmas.

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