Monday, May 18, 2015

20 years old

I became another year older today. This year, I turned the big 2-0. Still hasn't sunk in yet, just like last year when I turned 19, or the year before when I turned 18, and so on. Two decades I've been on this planet, and next year I'll be old enough to drink. By the way, I'm a triplet so I have two brothers to celebrate with every year.

After my birthday dinner last night at the Japanese steakhouse, we got Happy Birthday sung to us again, and then we ate a homemade ice cream cake (homemade by a nearby ice cream parlor, that is - Carvel can suck it). Then we opened our presents and mine was an Axe kit with deodorant, bodyspray and shower gel. Plus we each got our own $50 Visa gift card that function as debit cards. We all already have our own real debit cards that are part of our bank accounts, whereas there Visa ones are simply purchased with cash. Then today we just relaxed and enjoyed being 20. And there is another celebration on the way from our mom, meaning more cake and presents.

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