Thursday, July 18, 2013

Gingivitis and two cavities

I had a dental appointment this morning. I was a little nervous about it because I almost never brush my teeth. So to prevent anyone from getting surprised, I told them that as I was sitting down in that long chair thing at the start of my appointment.

I had some x-rays of my teeth, and then a thorough but quick cleaning. It caused my gums to bleed a little. They also noticed the considerable decay on some of my front teeth from not brushing. So they said I had gingivitis, which I knew all along. They also discovered that I have two cavities. I already had a cavity filling back in November. So this will be my second in eight months, and this time there are two cavities to be filled.

Now I have to make sure I brush my teeth and rinse my mouth with mouthwash at least twice a day, and floss at least once. I also can't eat any candy for a while. I guess I should have seen this coming...

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