Saturday, February 28, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I've been spending a lot of time on my NASCAR blog lately, giving me almost no time to update this one. Plus I gaven't had many non-NASCAR-related things to blog about anyway. I'm sure something will come up for me to blog about soon.

Friday, February 20, 2015

A free week for my homework

Thanks to the latest round of snow I got, I now don't have to do one of the weekly homework assignment for my drawing class, because the class was cancelled since the college opened after it would have ended. I also don't think I have to turn in last week's homework, which I was a bit unprepared for.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Getting excited for NASCAR again

The NASCAR season has kicked off at Daytona, where the Daytona 500 is being held on Sunday, and I am excited to see some racing again.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Winter weather wreaks havoc on south, Appalachians

A winter storm has brought several inches of snow as well as freezing rain and ice to states like Tennesssee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. The storm has dumped more than a foot of snow in some parts of Kentucky and Tennessee, who aren't usually associated with snowfalls of that magnitude.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

Today was Valentine's Day, which for me simply means another candy holiday, rather than all of that love stuff. I've always spent Valentine's Day single.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

I love spending all day at college

Having two classes with the first ending six hours before the second begins every other week means I get to hang out and do whatever on my college campus during my long break, or maybe go out and do other things, on those weeks. But during the other weeks of this semester, my evening class (a digital media class, in which we learn a lot about Photoshop) simply meets online, and even then it isn't even a proper class, because we can do the work at our own pace. But my class schedule for those certain weeks this semester gives me a well-deserved break from sitting around at home all day.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Avocados are the new cool fruit

It appears that the avocado is a cool food right now in this country, with many people buying and eating them, and making them into things such as guacamole.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How many of each flavor is in a box of Mike and Ikes?

I did a little test today to see which is the most common flavor in a regular box of Mike and Ike candies - cherry, strawberry, lemon, lime or orange. Out of 85 total candies, strawberry (my least favorite) was the winner with 30.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Accidentally turned left at a red light

On Saturday I made a quick trip to a gas station to put air in one of my tires. There's a traffic light on the way to and from the station where a few months ago, I was planning to turn left but didn't have a green left arrow. However, cross traffic also had a red light, and people going straight had green, which I failed to notice. After waiting about 30 seconds, two people behind me drove around me to make their left turns. That's when I realized the coast had been clear all along for me to turn left.

So then on Saturday I went to the gas station for my tire fill and on the way back, I had a red light at the aforementioned intersection. Not wanting to hold anyone up again, I waited for any cross traffic to get out of the way, and then I turned left. Except, I didn't have a green arrow, and turning left on red is forbidden (where I live you can turn right on red after stopping and yielding to any oncoming traffic). When I noticed the car behind me pull up to the stopline and then stop, I realized my mistake. What was more, I could have gotten into a crash with someone who actually had a green light, and since I only have my provisional license right now it would have been bad for my driving record. The people behind me were probably thinking "What an idiot, turning left on red!" Luckily there isn't a red light camera at that intersection; only at a few intersections in the town proper have them and I don't even think they have turn sensors. But the point is, I was stupid the other day and really should have caused a crash.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

New England Patriots win wild Super Bowl

The AFC champion New England Patriots have defeated the NFC champion and defending Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XLIX (49) by a score of 28-24 to win their fourth championship and first since Super Bowl XXXIX (39) in 2005 (2004 season). The game took place at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The Patriots won despite the "DeflateGate" scandal that arose in the days after their victory over the Indianapolis Colts in the AFC Championship Game.

The whole game and particularly the fourth quarter were wild. There was no scoring at all in the first quarter, and the Patriots and Seahawks traded the lead throughout the next two quarters. The Seahawks were up 24-14 after three quarters, but after each team scored a touchdown, the Patriots gained another seven points to make the score 28-24 in their favor. The Patriots then intercepted a Seahawks second-down touchdown pass just one yard from the end zone. This was with 20 seconds left in the game. After a pair of timeouts, a scrum erupted between members of both teams. Finally, everything was sorted out and after one final snap, the Patriots were champions for the first time in a decade. Their first three Super Bowl wins came in Super Bowls XXXVI (36), XXXVIII (38) and XXXIX (39) in 2002, 2004 and 2005 ('01, '03 and '04 seasons, respectively). Tom Brady was named the MVP, an honor he also won in Super Bowl XXXVI.